Mario Mattera for 2nd Senate District in New York State
Published on Saturday, March 28, 2020
Our Brother Mario Mattera has been endorsed by the Republican, Conservative, and Independence Parties to replace State Senate Majority Leader John Flanigan for 2nd Senate District in New York State.
We are proud to have one of our own to represent Plumbers Local Union #200 and all the working families and Unions here on Long island. We wish him well and totally support him moving forward.

[Pictured: Jessie Garcia (Suffolk County Republican Chairman), Michael Torres (Suffolk County Conservative Vice Chairman), Frank Tinari (Suffolk County Conservative Chairman), and Bill Ellis (Suffolk County Republican Vice Chairman and Smithtown Republican Chairman)]
A message from John Murphy from the UA:
I am pleased to announce that Local 200 Business Agent Mario Mattera is running for the NYS Senate in the 2nd district, the seat soon to be vacated by Senate Minority Leader John Flanagan. Sen. Flanagan has given Mario his endorsement for the seat. Brother Mattera will be running on the Republican, Conservative and Independence lines in November in the overwhelmingly Republican District.
I look forward to working together with our members, their families and our union affiliates to do everything in our power to elect one of our own to the NYS Senate!
John J. Murphy
International Representative
United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices
of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the
United States and Canada